Homemade mini tarts with strawberries
Homemade mini tarts with strawberries
Ingredients for the dough:
150 g flour
100 g butter
50 g sugar
a pinch of salt
Ingredients for the filling:
500 g strawberries (or any other berries)
100 g sugar
10 g agar-agar
50 ml water
Ingredients for the topping:
300 g farmer’s cheese (or ricotta, or cream cheese)
100 ml milk if you use farmer’s cheese (you don’t need milk if you use ricotta or cream cheese)
150 g sugar powder
10 g vanillin powder
You will need:
Kitchen scales
Tart shell molds
Piping bag
- Mix the flour, salt and sugar. Add the butter and cream, and quickly form a dough ball. Divide the dough into 5-8 parts (depending on how big your moulds are). Quickly shape them into balls.
- Put each ball into a mold (if you use metal ones – grease them with some oil or butter first). Press and stretch each dough ball against the walls and the bottom of the mold, and shape it with your fingers.
- Put the molds on a baking sheet. Prick each shell with a fork, so it doesn’t puff up in the oven and bake the shells in the preheated oven at around 200 C for 10-15 minutes, until the edges are lightly golden brown. Cool them for around 15 minutes before taking them out of the molds. To take them out, tap the edge of the mold on your work surface to release the mini tart shell.
- Mix the farmer’s cheese with sugar powder, vanillin and milk with a blender until it is smooth and has no grains. Put it in the fridge.
- Mix the sugar with agar-agar and water and leave for 15 minutes to plump up.
- Wash and clean the strawberries. Use around 300 g to line the bottom of the tarts with. To do that, cut them in two (or you can use the whole strawberries, or smaller pieces, depending on their size). Cover the bottom of the tart shells with the pieces.
- Blend the rest of the strawberries, add the agar-agar mixture, heat it till it starts to boil, but do not actually boil. Stir all the time. Let it cool a bit (for a minute), then quickly start filling the shells by pouring the jelly onto the strawberry pieces. The jelly will start to thicken.
- When the jelly has cooled down. With the help of the piping bag form the top of the tarts by squeezing the farmer’s cheese topping onto the strawberries.
Offer the tarts to Krishna and enjoy the Prasadam. Bon Appetit!
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